Tag: Black Australorp Chickens

  • Lonely Chick?

    Blog Posts

    My first hatch of the year went well and most of my buyers picked up their chicks as day-olds which was fantastic! However, after all the chicks were sold and gone there was only one left. Usually, when I know that there will be one left I ask any of my customers if they want…

  • Why aren’t my chickens laying?

    Blog Posts

    So you’re Chickens stopped laying… I know how frustrating and frankly inconvenient at times that can be BUT let’s see if we can figure out what’s wrong. My Australorps still lay but not as often and when they take a break it is for a while. Lots of factors go into this.  Your chickens can…

  • Black Australorp Chickens

    Blog Posts

    The first time I decided to buy chickens I did a lot of research into all the different breeds and picked what I thought seemed to be the best. Back Australorps. While they might be the best breed for some people they weren’t really the best for me…here’s why. My biggest priority was LOTS OF…